Looking Around

Let us explore our surroundings. We look and show our findings to our friends nearby. Move your hand on the surface of your table, then on the surface of the wall, the door. These surfaces are different than the surface of an apple or an orange. The former ones are straight in character. We may call them straight surface or simply call them plane. The surface of an apple or an orange is called curved surface. Explore more and more planes around you.

Look at the two adjacent walls of your room. They meet in a straight line. Look at the edge of your table. Is that also a straight line? Can you find the two planes meeting to make the edge of the table? Look also at the floor and the ceiling of the room and discover the straight lines; and the adjacent planes that make them. Look at the doors, windows, books, boxes and other articles around you to discover more planes and straight lines they make.

Again, look at the two adjacent edges (straight lines) of your table. They meet at a corner. Look at the other corners of the table; and discover the edges that make those corners. Look at one of the vertical lines that the walls of your room make. Does this vertical line meet another line in the ceiling? Does it meet a line at the floor of the room? How many corners you find in your room? What straight lines make these corners? These corners we may call ``points''. Find out straight lines around you and the points they make while intersecting other straight lines.

We human beings imitate. We make drawings imitating real flowers, clouds, rivers and everything around. We make drawings of the faces of the beloved ones. But imitation is not the reality. So what, we don't mind .We imitate and make pictures of points, the corners and straight lines also on paper. Don't mind, it is not the reality. When your pencil is not sharp-pointed, the teachers don't appreciate the straight line or point made. How interesting! The `point', the `straight line' are fantasies. So is the `plane' also. We believe that a straight line, a part of which we see in the form of edge of the table or the vertical corner of the room has no breadth and a point has neither length nor breadth. Strange it looks, we make calculations on this hypothesis for our straight lines made on the paper.

Because these lines are being written for sharing with teachers only, most of the routine matter is skipped.

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